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Kaitlyn Leeb Educational Kaitlyn Leeb obtained her education at the North York Board of Education, and completed her studies at York University with a degree in psychology. Kaitlyn Leeb's net wealth is thought to be around $2 million U.S. and comes from her acting deals brand agreements as well as other brand agreements. Kaitlyns annual income can range from $30000 to four thousand dollars U.S. Kaitlyn worked as a print model before she began her acting profession. Instagram The Journey: Kaitlyn Leeb has over 75k followers on her Instagram account where she shares photos of her day-to-day life, movie posters, etc. Her account was launched on Instagram on 7th August 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb is a member of the family. Ted Leeb is Kaitlyn Leebs husband. They have 2 kids Avery Elizabeth Leeb on 5th of August 2016, and Presley Leeb to be born in 2020.

Kayla Maisonet is an American actress best recognized for her character Georgie Diaz in the Disney sitcom Stuck in the Middle. When she moved with her mom in Los Angeles in pursuit of a acting career the actress was born in New York. She was always interested in becoming an actor and was an avid TV watcher as a young girl. She became an avid Disney Channel fan and subsequently made the decision to go into business acting. She first began to act in school and then continued into the adulthood. The actress gained fame in Los Angeles after performing Off-Broadway. She made her on-screen debut with the 2012 Disney show Dog with a Blog where she was a key regular role. The Haunted Hathaways was her next appearance. In 2016, she was a part on the Disney show Stuck in the Middle as Georgie Diaz. The show was a huge success as did Kayla. As a result of her participation in the Dog with a Blog series she was awarded an Young Artist Award.

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